Saturday, July 08, 2006

Clips for Sale - NEWS!!

You might have noticed that there have not been any new clips for a while in my clip store.
Well, yes I had camera probs and then I was unwell for awhile but
NOW the latest problem is that there is a glitch in the system that uploads the clips. Apparently my store is the only one affected but I have tried EVERYTHING in my power to make sure it's not my equipment or anything. I even gave my passwords to a computer geek on the other side of the world to see if he could upload and...nope. It's a mystery! I have never had any problems with the great guys who run clips-for-sale and they have been very sympathetic and have done all they can, but no-one can find the answer.

Oh well, when life gives you lemons...you open new stores!!
Since this problem doesn't exist when I open a new stores, I have decided to dedicate certain stores to specific fetishes...this way it will benefit you as well as work around the uploading prob!
Now you wont have to wade through clips that don't interest you!
Well, I'll anounce it here each time a store opens and I hope you'll enjoy!
All the best everyone:)


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